Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What I Learned Today- Time line of postmortem insect activity


10 minutes- Blowflies arrive and lay thousands of eggs in the eyes, nose, and mouth of the corpse.

12 hours- Fly eggs hatch maggots. They feed on bodily tissues.

24-36 hours- Beetles arrive. They feed of dry skin.

48 hours- Spiders, millipedes, and mites arrive. They feed on bugs already on the body.


I also learned the history of the word Forensics.

-Comes from the Latin word forensis
-Forensis means "of the forum"
-The forum was where legal proceedings took place in Ancient Rome
-Forensic (adj.) came to mean "connected with or pertaining to courts of law"


Maybe I will make a post about the "CSI Effect" and what it does to jurors...after I read the book

I thought I might add this for a good laugh

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