Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Part 2 of "Sick and Tired..."

I just decided to make a whole new note to add this instead of just adding it inside the middle somewhere because no one would be able to find it. Another thing that I am sick and tired of is unrequited attraction [making up new terms here, just bear with me]. I hate the fact that all of the guys that you could say I greatly esteem, don't give a rat's a** about me. They just smile and keep going when they see me [unless I tackle them down for a hug...JK can't say that cause I already know everyone thinks I'm like super crazy weird lol]. I feel like my time and emotions are wasted [though we can't help who we are attracted to] because I am wasting my time admiring people who obviously don't care about me. And another thing that really gets my blood boiling is the fact that I don't attract what I want to be attracting. Sure, I shouldn't be thinking about "attractions" between the opposite sex and stuff when I have college to worry about but I AM 17 which is prime teenage pubescent[think I mispelled that which is so annoying as I am a big stickler for mispelt things] stage. If they make a re-make of the movie "Never Been Kissed," I could so be Drew Barrymore, just the black version. And now I just revealed too much information so I am ending this.

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