Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sick and Tired- A Summer Vacation Lament

Of course everyone has heard of the saying "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired." It gets thrown around quite a bit each generation. It's funny cause I kinda am "sick" and "tired." I have had a cough since May and now it is all gross and disgusting and I wheeze when I laugh[I know it sounds like random rambling, but I do have a point. It's coming!]. I went to the doctor yesterday[finally] and got some medicine[inhaler and apparatus for the inhaler]. I guess you could say I am tired, but only when I stay up late instead of going to sleep. What am I really sick and tired of? Deadlines. Being cooped up inside of the house all day. Immaturity. Fear. Low Self-Esteem. Indecisiveness. Pain. Suffering. Hot Weather. Being inable. People saying for you to call them if you ever need anything but when you call, they can't help you. Fangirls. Envy. Jealousy. Not being "pretty" enough for everyone else. Liars. See I just made this whole list and it just sounds like I am a troubled hormonal female who needs to go talk to a shrink when I am really not. [wow I just made a potential label for myself...not good!!] I just wish things would go my way sometimes [do I sound like a brat yet?]. I don't mean to sound all down in the dumps or whatever, cause normally I'm a cheerful, slightly happy-go-lucky person. I think all this heat has done something to my brain. It's SO incredibly toasty in my house! I think I need a vacation AWAY from my vacation. I need to go stay at someone's house for a couple of days or something. Sometimes I wish my friends and I were like on TV, where they just walk into each other's homes and the parents don't care, and they just walk up to the parents and are like "so and so is spending the night" and the parents are all "ok." That would be great, except for [I know someone is thinking it!] things that are on TV aren't real life, unless it's one of those reality shows, which in some cases are staged. Anyways, I have been going a bit mad since I have been cooped up inside my house for a majority of the week. Does anyone want to come and get me and take me away before I go completely bonkers! I can only watch ER, read about Crime Scene Investigation, and Draw/Paint so much before I get antsy. Well actually, since we have seasons 1-5 of ER, I might be ok there, but then I feel like the day is wasting away when I watch more than 3 or more episodes [they are like 40-50 minutes long each]. I checked out half of the books on Crime Scene Investigation at the library and there is only half a shelf left for me to check out before I go check out the books about medicine[Career choice juggling is fun]. I have a car but no license[don't ask why]. What am I going to do with myself? I can only be "sick" and "tired" for so long. Twitter and Youtube are getting boring too[well maybe not Youtube, cause I got stuck on there today watching videos about body boarding]. Well anyways, enough random rambling [well what does it matter since only like 4 of my friends that care will read this anyways]. Well off to go help Melissa download Skype :-)

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