Saturday, September 18, 2010

I feel bookish...

Wow I haven't posted something up here in quite awhile. I was going to post something on here the other day because everytime I speak my mind on Facebook about something that is irritating to me, people seem to react negatively, which is the complete opposite of what I had intented, so I will just post on here where I know only like 3 people will be reading. I am just SO in the mood for some Jane Austen right now and I don't even know why!! I just want to stay in my room all night and miss laser tag at the gym, just so I can read Jane Austen and listen to Zoe Keating, Bjork, and Imogen Heap [Frou Frou]!! I have all of my stuff [my sketch book, HB pencil and case, eraser, Mighty Mango flavored Naked, my Emma book] all sprawled out across my desk as I write this and listen to the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack that was so beautifully put together by Dario Marianelli,and so beautifully performed by Jean Yves-Thibaudet. I just wish I had all of my Austen movies here, so I could escape away into bookish, literary land, so I can feel at ease again. I also wish there was a good library here, like the ones in the pictures I am about to post[or as in they aren't all just college reasearch stuff, but more like a library where people go just to read, and find good books, old and new]. [Now changing subject] I can't wait till I'm a music/art therapist and I can help people heal by letting them listen to the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack, and artists like Imogen Heap, Zoe Keating, and Enya. It's going to be great! I get to do what I love, and share the music I love with others and have it benefit them! :-) Anyways, back to the bookish stuff...I just feel the literary prowess [well it may not seem like that to others, but I like to think of it that way] flowing from me, and there is nothing that I can do about it except draw while listening to good music, and read Emma!! Enjoy the pictures!

I always have something to write down, but half of the time, I never do it...that's not good for a bookish artsy person like me

Gorgeous library in Bristol in the UK. I really wish I could travel here to visit it! Maybe one day...

A bit of the things running through my mind right now..

Inside the Shakespeare and Co. bookstore. I am SO going to have a room in my house like this when I get my own place!!

A beautiful library in Suzzallo. Look at that beautiful Gothic work all through the indside!

Musical geniuses Bjork and Imogen Heap

1 comment:

Mr. Stone said...

I'd love to see Shakespeare and Company myself. It's in Paris, a place I've yet to visit. I read Sylvia Beach's memoir titled Shakespeare and Company about her time in Paris with writers such as James Joyce.