Sunday, May 30, 2010

Star Wars in Concert

Well, I haven't made a post in quite some time, but this cannot wait. About an hour or two ago, I returned from the "Star Wars in Concert" concert at the Citizen's Bank Arena in Ontario. I carpooled with my friend Greg. When we go there, we waited for our other friends CB and Camille. When they arrived, we went inside. Now I thought they would have as manu props as advertised on the TV commercials, but I guess the commercials were filmed at the Honda Center, which is much more larger than the Citizen's Bank Arena. There were a few highlights, such as seeing some of the blasters that were used in the movie, and seeing the Chewbacca suit and Plo Koon...except for the fact that the Chewbacca, Plo Koon, and Kit Fitso outfits were all the way down on the other side of the arena, and by the time we tried to go see it [after the show], there were employees standing in the hall saying that we couldn't go past because they were preparing for the next show, so we just zoomed in with our cameras and took pictures. Overall, I think it was pretty fun. I just loved how the giant TV screen showed corresponding footage for each song. The highlight of the whole thing though would have to be Anthony Daniels, who plays C-3P0 in the films. He hosted live, and the funny thing was when he pulled open his suit to reveal a gold vest, and he started acting like Threepio. That was an audience pleaser. I was hoping that there would be food that wasn't so expensive, but that was not the case[well what can you expect these days. Everything is overpriced]. What also enhanced the viewers experience, were the green lasers that were going to the beat of the music. That was pretty awesome. I just loved how the whole time, right from the opening 20th Century Fox theme thta I couldn't tell if I was listening to my soundtrack or not, because the orchestra was that good! It was very impressing, and I will have to look in my commemorative program[$30] to see what orchestra was used. It must be a traveling one, since the Star Wars in Concert experience is a tour. Anyways, I recommend it to any Star Wars fan, of any age!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday Friend-Flock

Right now I am currently sitting in my friend Lauren's(@lkhattendorf) living room watching The September Issue. I know it has been ages since I last updated my blog, but this moment is blog-worthy, so I just coudn't resist it. It is now at the part where they are deliberating on photo choices for Sienna Miller's section of the magazine. Now Ms. Anna Wintour is a very interesting lady. Meryl Streep had her character on point in The Devil Wears Prada, minus the fact that they made her meaner than she is in real life, or so it seems. Meryl Streep is one of my favoritest though haha anyways, back to the subject. Anna also has a daughter named Bee Shaffer. She is kinda cool, minus the fact that she thinks that fashion is unecessary and she wouldn't want to be involved in it in her future life [how awful!!] It is a very interesting movie [so far]. I am enjoying this quite a bit. Also, Andre Leon Talley is hilarious [as always], and Thakoon is adorable!! More later!


Sunday, May 2, 2010


I haven't been on here in so long because I have been OH so busy with school, you know being a senior and all, there is alot of stuff to do towards the end of the year. I have SO much to talk about though, from my choir tour in the Dallas, TX area, to the fashion and articles May issues of Vogue and Nylon, and even Sandy Bullock's recent uncovering of her adoption of the oh-so-cute Louis, who can make anyone's heart melt. Also, People gave a fabulous issue with their "World's Most Beautiful People" article. I made a mental not to blog about my favorites, a.k.a. Julianna Margulies, Zoe Saldana, Sandra Bullock, and Tina Fey. I might go back to making Youtube videos again when I can't make a blog update, because it would be easier to just stick the pictures on a slideshow after the video instead of dealing with all the formatting procedures that happen on here...anyways, I have to go finish uploading pictures to my Facebook accout, so anyways, keep it real! Follow my tweets to stay updated!

-Laurel :)