Sunday, February 21, 2010

Speaking of Haiti...

If California is known for anything, it is earthquakes. There have been some pretty bad ones in the past. Now what I would like to know is why there has been a random earthquake everyday since like last Friday[last week not this one that just passed]!! There is this website that I go on that tells you how many earthquakes have occured recently and on Friday, there had been 144 since the Friday previous to it!!! What is going on California? Let's please get it together!! Pretty soon we will be like Hawaii and people in Nevada and Arizona will be buying beachfront property which is not cool!! [not that there is anything wrong with beachfront property, just the way it would be achieved in this situation] Everytime there is an earthquake now, I always stop what I'm doing to see if it is going to be the prophesized "Big One" but it never is. I hate getting all scared like that for two seconds. All of the earthquakes that have been happening have been centered around the San Jacinto fault line[everyone usually relates earthquakes with the San Andreas fault line, not the San Jacinto one] and the epicenter is usually in Redlands which is too close to my house! So it the "Big One" comes and the epicenter is in Redlands, then I hope it happens when I am at college and hopefully my fam will miss me enough to move out there with me so we all are safe! Anyways, I will keep everyone posted about the earthquake status. toodles!


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