Thursday, September 11, 2008


I can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas vacation. That is when I get a break from school and get a chance to finally finish a book that wasn't Japanese manga since school started!! It has been really stressful so far this year and I am very much looking forward to the next break we get from school or the next 3 day weekend. I am so exhausted and am getting less sleep since school started. But anyways, has anyone heard any good songs lately or heard of a good band or an interesting book??

I am glad that The Secret Life of Bees is finally coming out as a movie on October 13 or 17[I forgot] I really enjoyed that book and I am super excited for the movie. I think it will be good and it looks like Dakota Fanning finally chose a good part in a movie.

Oh well. Off to go do some more studying. =(

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Twilight Series

So I read the whole Twilight Series this summer and they turned out to be pretty interesting. I got kind of sick of Bella by Breaking Dawn but she isn't my favorite anyways. My favorite characters were Alice and Jasper. I think that it would have been better to read them all after Breaking Dawn came out so I could just read them all at once, but instead I just couldn't wait because of how good everyone made them seem. I am kind of disappointed though after seeing behind the scenes stuff and trailers for the movie because first of all, Catherine Hardwicke, the director, she is adding stuff that isn't even in the book so I'm all skeptical and stuff like "uuhhhm...should I even see it??" But I will go and see it, just out of curiosity, because there are some things in the book that I would like to see how it looks in movie form. That is one of the reasons I like to read, because when you get a really good book that has vivid imagery, your imagination gets going and you can feel like you are really in the story!! I also want to read The Host, which is Stephenie Meyer's other book. Some people at school said the beginning was really boring and they cold barely read the first page, so I don't know. Well anyways, I need to go study and finish some homework, so I have to get off the computer.