Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Been Awhile, NYC, and more!

So I know I haven't posted on here in a long time, but I want to try to reverse that. I must constantly be writing something, if not thinking of something to write, or else my mind feels like it is getting cluttered up with emotion and thought. I recently got into several disagreements with my mother, and realized that writing is the only way for me to effectively communicate certain feelings and thoughts that I have been having. I don't know who is going to read this, but I do know that whatever I say in here, I wouldn't like it shared with my mother (yes, that means you nosy church people). I don't think even those closest to me know how I feel. It's just an area that I'm not able to talk about with ease. Anyways, aside from all of that, I got to go to New York City and spend the day with my cousin. I have missed this girl SO much and it was really nice to see her again for a change. The last time I saw her was back in 2009 for my dad's funeral, and I have missed her so much since then. My family is on vacation right now, and my mom and brother and I drove to Montclair, New Jersey, so I could take the bus into the city. The people in the city were really crazy and rude, but I'm used to crazy and rude people from California. My cousin and I did tons of sightseeing though! Way too much for one day. We walked around the Times Square area, went through Rockefeller Plaza/Center, went inside this awesome Lego store, went inside and rested for awhile in St. Patrick's Cathedral (which was amazing!), ate inside of the Whole Foods at Columbus Circle, and walked through Central Park/viewed the MET. I think I really enjoyed myself minus the fact that it was hotter than hell itself in the subway and my legs and back are still hurting now (and we are going back tomorrow so it will be double the pain by this time tomorrow (yay!). This post is really short, since I am falling asleep right now and am messed up with the whole West to East coast time difference and jet lag and all. I promise I will update more later though! Ta ta for now!
