Thursday, December 3, 2009

People that don't take things seriously...

So I have a couple of pet peeves. One would be people who don't take things seriously. Another would be people who interrupt while others are trying to learn. With the whole "people who don't take things seriously" thing, that has been on my mind for awhile now, especially after today. I am in the "advanced" choir at my school. I have wanted to be in this choir ever since I heard it for the first time (about back in junior high). I was inspired and touched by their singing the first time I heard it. But what I didn't realize, is that each year, there are a whole new group of people in it. I set a goal for myself to be in this choir before I graduate from high school. I am a senior now and I am in the choir, but slightly unhappy. Why you might ask? Well, for one thing, this years choir is made up of about 3/4 of new people, including me. Ok, so what's wrong with a primarily novice group? Well, they aren't working hard enough. This choir is known for singing well and having outstanding performances, and I know I can't judge this years choir based on last years, but it is hard not to. Just today, our director told us that we might not be going on tour(this particular choir also goes on a tour each year) because the new people aren't practicing outside of school and sound "suckish" (well he didn't exacty say suckish but somewhere around that) I go home and listen to my cd and practice, but I don't know about the rest of the new people. Clearly I have picked the wrong year to be in this choir. This is a perfect example of how lazy people ruin the experience for others(me) who are actually taking it seriously. It just makes me so mad and it's my last year so if we don't get to go on a tour I will be very upset. Especially after I made my down payment for the airfare and it's non-refundable. Now, to the people who interrupt while others are trying to learn. In a couple of my classes (the choir is one of them!), there are a rowdy bunch of boys who still act like they are in elementary school and are just pining for attention when the whole act is really just juvenile and stupid. I am sitting in class trying to learn and they are acting up, making jokes, and talking. And they really don't listen to the teacher. The thing that makes it even worse is that in one particular class, the main ones who act up have a higher grade than me and they don't even have to pay attention because they understand it but I actually have to struggle to grasp the concept. It is so unfair. But hey, life's unfair. When it comes to people like that, sometimes I just wanna knock all their lights out, but then again, What Would Jesus Do? Clearly not that, so I guess I just have to ignore the losers out there in life, cause I know there are more to come!


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Twilight fans gone too far?

Ok, so everyone knows I have read the Twilight books, and yadda yadda yadda, but the thing I don't like, is the fans, and the actors in the movie. After I found out about how INSANE these fans are, I am starting to actually empathize with the poor actors of the movie. Now I know everyone is in Robert Pattinson hysteria but I'm not, and maybe this would have been different if I was in love with him like the other half of the female population. I am starting to feel sorry for him though. So yesterday, I go and get my little Entertainment Weekley from the mailbox and I see this article about vampires in the media and stuff like that, and when I turn the page, I see a picture of Robert being escorted out of a mob of people and this girl is up under him trying to take a picture with him while he is trying to escape. It said that he was filming a scene for a new movie in New York and of course the little fangirls couldn't resist.Now I know that actors have to deal with this all the time but after this morning, I think people need to lay off and realize that actors are actual people too. *CHANGING SUBJECT FOR A SECOND* Just a couple of weeks ago my brother and I were traveling with our mom to Florida. When we were in the LAX airport, we saw this guy who looked like Jason Earles aka Jackson, from Hannah Montana. Turns out it was him. We just walked up like normal people should and asked for a photo for proof and he kindly agreed. I think actors/actresses would be more willing to give autographs, etc. if people weren't trying to mob them.*BACK TO THE ROB PATTINSON/TWILIGHT FANS THING* Now just about 20 minutes ago, I heard on the radio that Robert Pattinson, whilst in New York, was being chased by fans and while he was trying to escape, he got grazed by a taxi. I look it up online to make sure it's legit and its true! This is an example of fans going too far. You shouldn't have to be running for your life and then almost get it taken away by the thing you weren't even running from!! That's terrible!! I also heard a couple of months back in a interview with Robert that fans[stalkers] were sleeping outside of his apartment hoping to get a glimpse of him!! I understand he is a big star and Twilight is a big hit, especially amongst pubescent girls, but seriously people comon! These people are human just like us and deserved to be treated likewise! I found this website[I don't know if it's legit] that talks about all these violent incidents with Twilight fans. Its really anti-Twilight but I'm now anti-Twilight. I'm just not to crazy about the Twilight fans and their behavior, making people think all Twilight fans will be that way.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire was one of the best movies I have seen for awhile. It was amazing and there are not very many words to describe it besides awesome, amazing, and simply incredible, which basically are all the same thing!! I loved it and will watch it until I know all the lines [it was that good!!]. It was really sad though to know that kids and people in general actually have to live in conditions[slums] like that every day right now in India. Some of the child actors who portrayed younger versions of the main characters actually were from the slums, like Rubina Ali, Azharuddin Ismail and Tanay Chheda[there are more]. What I thought was really nice was that all the kids got flown to the Oscars and then went to Disneyland the next day. Azhar and Rubina's stories are very sad though. When Azhar got back from America, he had a fever and was vomiting. His family[which basically is father and himself] is so poor, they have to sleep under a tarp because the shack that they had was in an illegal place got taken down by the local authorities. Also, when Azhar refused to take an interview with a reporter, his father slapped him. When Rubina got back, she kept on the dress that she wore to the Oscars for days after until it was stained and she has said to different reporters that she is tired of living in the slums since she got a chance to see what America is like. Also, reporters have said that there is a thin stream of sewage running in front of Rubina's house.

Both of these children come from rough backgrounds and I feel bad for them and the others who have to live in situations like these every day. The good thing is that the producers of this movie set up trust funds for the children and sent them all back to school, since their parents couldn't afford it. I think that American children should watch this movie so they can really be grateful of what they have and see how some others have nothing. Watching this movie made me a whole lot more thankful for what I have =)

Congrats to everyone who worked on Slumdog for winning those 8 Oscars!! It definitely deserved them!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

So... I have this really cool cousin named Candice...she's the best!!
I loooooooooooooove Jane Eyre!! This is my second time reading it out of thousands more to come!!
